Tickets are now available for one of the region’s most popular fundraisers, Sagebrush 'n Roses. This year’s event will be held on Saturday, Jan. 25 at the Goshen County Rendezvous Center in Torrington, Wyoming. Learn more.
Purchase Tickets or Sponsorship!
We exist to support the growth and success of Eastern Wyoming College and its students by securing and stewarding philanthropic resources. With your help we can make a difference.
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Special events sponsored by the Foundation raise funds for student opportunities at EWC and provide opportunities for the community to enjoy a night out, or a day on the golf course.
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The Foundation raises, receives, and manages private gifts to support programs and projects throughout the College and to build a strong foundation for future needs. Every dollar makes a difference.
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The EWC Foundation raises, receives, and manages private gifts to support programs and projects throughout the college for future needs.
Why We Help
Special events sponsored by the Foundation raise funds for student opportunities at Eastern Wyoming College and provide opportunities for the community to enjoy a night out, or a day on the golf course. The Foundation receives significant local support from businesses and individuals through sponsorships and general support, and we sincerely thank those who have helped make these events so successful.
The Eastern Wyoming College Foundation was established in 1964 as an independent non-profit corporation with the purpose of engaging community interest and enhancing the quality and scope of EWC programs beyond state support. Our mission is to add the extra measure of quality that defines excellence in community college education, without supplanting state support. The Foundation raises, receives, and manages private gifts to support programs and projects throughout the College and to build a strong foundation for future needs.
Eastern Wyoming College's 2024 Graduating Class
From Our Blog
News & Notes
You can make a difference.
Donors have established numerous scholarships and endowments to benefit the Lancer Community!
Impact by the Numbers
Students Awarded
Scholarships Awarded
Awarded in Scholarships
Awarded in Program Support